School of Human and Social Sciences

University of Wuppertal

Integrative Theory and Sport’s Practice


The working group “Integrative Theory and Sport’s Practice” (ITPS) connects current research including sports scientific theories with theory-based practice. In this respect, the working group is committed to a career-oriented education of our students.

The practice-oriented part, on the one hand, sees itself as a teaching, research, and advanced training opportunity in school-based, sports-political, and professional fields. On the other hand, it is to be understood as a field of immediate athletic action as part of academic university education.

The members of the working group reflect a theory-practice integration of sports science. They teach the numerous fields that are part of sports science. Moreover, they do research on their own, as well as in collaboration with other fields. In addition, various counselling services of external, regional and trans-regional institutions are provided. This includes manifold relations to schools. At the university level, we work on various administration-related tasks of the sports department, as well as on designing further university committees.

The working group “Integrative Theory and Practice of Sports“ consists of six co-workers with the following main areas of focus. More information about each staff member can be found on their respective web pages.

Denise Albert

  • Teaching: gymnastics/dance, movement and dance theater
  • Administration: coordination of athletic examinations

Dr. Anette Böttcher

  • Teaching: apparatus gymnastics, swimming, trampolining, acrobatics/movement arts
  • Administration: coordination of the athletic aptitude test

Dr. Lars Heinke

  • Teaching: track and field, kinesiology and exercise studies, fitness and health
  • Administration: coordination of the athletic aptitude test

Dr. Rüdiger Hofmann

  • Teaching: didactics of sports games, rock climbing, winter sports, outdoor sports, quantitative research, app development
  • Research: „Enhancing Safety in PE and School Sports“, research in teaching physical education (PE)
  • Administration: IT services, administration of homepage, foreign representative

Torsten Kleine

  • Teaching: handball, racquet games, sports didactics, sports sociology
  • Research: sports-focused research on youth development, research in school sports, sports and space
  • Administration: Educational Dean of Faculty G, coordinator of the combinatory bachelor’s program of the Sports Science department

ur web-service aims to provide an overview of the efforts of our working groups. We hope to succeed in doing so, thus we are looking forward to your feedback so that we can continually expand and improve our work.

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Peter Wastl.

Yours sincerely,

Working group “Theory and Practice of Sports“ of the Sports Science field of the University of Wuppertal.